Interworld Media

Interworld Media © 2024


Starting in April 2020 for Foodhall Community Radio, the Interworld Radio Show aims to provide a platform for interesting and forward-thinking music created by artists from different backgrounds, highlighting connections between music scenes in Sheffield and beyond. We showcase music created by people at a range of levels, from those just starting out to more established artists. Shows are hosted by the core Interworld crew, with the occasional guest spot, and cover leftfield and electronic music of all kinds: frantic breaks and bloops, spirally sample meshes, immense distorted symphonies, emotional landscapes, psychedelic seshes, haunted DIY jams, groovy head-nodders, half-time slow-burners, meticulously crafted experiences and noisy live bootlegs. Full tracklists are available within each Soundcloud page – please go there for links to artist/album info.

#16 with Phoneutrian.
23 January 2021.

#17 with Phoneutrian (1st half) and Zaron Mizmeras (2nd half).
20 February 2021.

#13 with Phoneutrian.
17 October 2020.

#14 with Zaron Mizmeraz.
14 November 2020.

#15 with Phoneutrian.
12 December 2020.

#10 with Phoneutrian.
08 August 2020.

#11 with Phoneutrian (1st half) and Roadside Picnic (2nd half interview and mix).
22 August 2020.

#12 with Phoneutrian.
19 September 2020.

#7 with Phoneutrian.
27 June 2020.

#8 with Phoneutrian.
11 July 2020.

#9 with LORIEN.
25 July 2020.

#4 with Phoneutrian (1st half) and Sleepsang (2nd half).
17 May 2020.

#5 with Zaron Mizmeras.
30 May 2020.

#6 with Phoneutrian (1st half) and Crystal Vessel (2nd half interview and mix).
13 June 2020.

#1 with Phoneutrian.
04 April 2020.

#2 with Phoneutrian.
19 April 2020.

#3 with Zaron Mizmeras.
03 May 2020.