Interworld Media

Interworld Media © 2025

INTER-METAL (Friday 3 December 2021)

For our intimate INTER-METAL evening (7pm-11pm), we paid some imps to seek out the juiciest and most fragrant delights of “art” in these desolate climes. It cost us our eternal souls, but we guarantee it will be worth it.

Henceforth, avert ye gaze or else suffer the wrath of the following artists…

MYNA: Our hugest booking yet! MYNA brings the fire and brimstone every time with unstoppable DJ sets of gqom, afro house, nu metal, whatever the hell she feels like. Abandon all hope.

TRVE YORKSHIRE KVLT ENSEMBLE: Utterly despicable and treacherous live-coded black metal from Yorkshire’s most heinous. Name a more iconic ensemble – we’ll wait.

DJ BLUE RASPBERRY: On an absolute roll this year, DJ Blue Raspberry’s hyper anthems never fail to bring the party. Watch out for brainfreeze!

ZARON MIZMERAS: Zaron has gone too deep into Youtube™ and now he only communicates using videos with fewer than 1,000 views. Can you help us crack the code and release him?

DJ REA CONFESSA: Huge and spooky psychedelic jams and skronks from our latest selector. Straight from Milan and directly into your face(s).

MR BONES: Guitar.